A Nationally Designated Best Practice Program, Connect Train-the-Trainer builds capacity and sustainability for a community or state to provide ongoing training in suicide prevention and postvention. Using a unique public health and socio-ecological model, Connect training enhances the ability of professionals to provide an effective and appropriate response to suicide across the lifespan and across systems.
The Connect T4T generates suicide prevention and postvention champions who will possess increased understanding to address these issues in a comprehensive manner in their communities. Using dynamic and interactive practice exercises, participants will acquire presentation skills and mastery of the Connect curriculum in order to co-train with confidence and fidelity to the model. These skills are further reinforced by the inclusion of National Best Practices and resources in the larger field of suicide prevention and postvention.
Connect offers National Best Practice protocols for the following professions listed below: Click here for information about hosting a Connect Train-the-Trainer.
Prevention/Intervention Protocols (select two)
Emergency Medical Services
Faith Leaders
Hospital Emergency Departments
Law Enforcement
Mental Health Providers
Primary Care Providers
Social Service Providers
Substance Abuse Providers
Postvention Protocols (select two)
Coroners/Medical Examiners
Emergency Medical Services
Faith Leaders
Funeral Directors
Hospital Emergency Departments
Law Enforcement
Mental Health/Substance Abuse
Social Service Providers
Participants will receive certification based on their demonstrated competency:
Level 1 Certified to lead a training with a co-trainer
Level 2 Certified to co-train with Level 1, but not to lead a training
Level 3 Not yet certified; needs to observe additional trainings and obtain more training practice
Trainers are required to co-facilitate two trainings in two years to maintain their Connect certification, which lasts for two years. Trainers cannot charge for training and are restricted to the geographic area designated in the host agency’s contract and approved by the host agency. Click here or more information on trainer role and requirements.
Connect provides on-going support to certified trainers via a Google group and periodic conference calls and webinars.
Connect Train-the-Trainer highlights:
Training in the Connect curriculum, a National Best Practice Program
Guidance and preparation to conduct a Connect training
Practice in role modeling a sensitive, safe and open approach to the subject of suicide
Instruction in how to implement the training and adapt it for cultural effectiveness while maintaining fidelity to the model
Opportunity for participants to practice parts of the curriculum and receive personalized feedback
A strategic planning session to discuss how the training will be implemented going forward
Participants will be provided the following materials:
Trainer’s Manual – An overview of Connect, information on each training module, and sample forms
Protocols – Trainers will receive Connect protocols for the profession(s) in which they were trained. They are only trained in the profession in which they work (e.g. teachers trained in education).
PowerPoint – A page-by-page guide to the PowerPoint, including the image of the slide and training notes. The training notes indicate what to say when presenting a slide and introduce relevant information and description of the group activities.
Training Kits – The standard sized group (9-16) will receive two training kits; small sized group (8 or less) one kit.
Participant Booklets – Each participant will receive a prevention or postvention booklet. Additional copies can be purchased to be distributed at future trainings.
Training length
Three days for prevention/intervention and three days for postvention. Optional fourth day for two additional protocols.
Number of participants
Small group is 8 or less. Standard sized group is 9-16. On the first day, 30 people in total may attend (including the people going on to become trainers and staff from the host organization and community partners).
Prevention/intervention: Community members and professionals. Previous experience as a trainer or facilitator is strongly recommended.
Postvention: Professionals whose job includes responding to a suicide death. Previous experience as a trainer or facilitator and prior training in prevention/intervention is strongly recommended.
A separate Connect Youth Leaders: partnering with adults in youth suicide prevention is tailored to train high school youth to co-facilitate with trainer with a trained adult. The two-day program trains adults on the first day and youth and adults together on the second day.
Location: your community
For more information contact:
The Connect Program
Individuals who have had a loss from suicide (survivors), particularly within the past year, may find the subject matter in suicide prevention or postvention training difficult. It is recommended that survivors contact Connect staff before attending a training to determine their readiness and discuss alternative programs which may be more appropriate.